Wednesday 9 May 2012

Armour Thyroid Natural Solution To All Your Metabolic And Thyroid Problems

Thyroid is a small gland in the shape of a butterfly present in the front of the neck of our body. Though a small gland, this thyroid gland is responsible for the metabolic functions of our body. To perform the metabolic functions this thyroid gland releases a hormone called thyroid hormone. Any change in the amount of this hormone’s production in gland gives rise to serious abnormal conditions.

The conditions arising out of the abnormal production of thyroid hormone are hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. When the gland produces more hormone than is required by the body, it is called hyperthyroidism and when the hormone production is less than normal in the gland, it is called hypothyroidism.

Armour thyroid
Thyroid gland
Women have been found to be more likely to be suffering from hypothyroidism than men. The main symptoms of hypothyroidism are sudden increase in weight, fatigue, muscle stiffness and pain, irregular menstruation, depression, hair loss, dry skin etc. The most common treatment for hypothyroidism is the prescription of synthetic hormone drugs called synthroid and generic.

However since both of these above drugs contain only the hormone T4, they fail to offer a sound and potent solution to hypothyroidism problem and have side effects attached to them. In such a scenario, Armour thyroid offers a better option with it being not only a natural medicine but it contains all the thyroid hormones, the thyroid gland produces.

Armour thyroid therefore naturally assists the thyroid gland in the production of all the natural hormones such as T1, T2, T3, T4 and calcitonin in the gland. The medicine is completely natural and is made from the pigs thyroid gland. However in order for the medicine to be effective you have to take it in small doses spread throughout the day so as to follow the exact pattern of our own thyroid gland functioning.

Thyroid dosage
Armour thyroid 100mg tablets
These doses should then be taken on the same time everyday to increase effectiveness. Since this thyroid medicine is known to interfere with the adrenal functioning and may cause adrenal fatigue, people with adrenal gland complication must be careful while taking this medicine.

Armour thyroid is a completely safe and natural cure for the problem of hypothyroidism among people. This thyroid medicine is best taken sublingually in recommended doses which are divided and taken just before or after meals. You should always consult a doctor before taking this medicine, as Armour thyroid is a medicine to be strictly taken under the supervision of a doctor. 

Monday 7 May 2012

Armour Thyroid Best Natural Hypothyroidism Treatment

Hypothyroidism is one of the most debilitating conditions of the body, which results in thyroid symptoms like dry skin, brittle nails, constant fatigue, depression, confused thinking, poor memory, joint stiffness, weight gain and hair loss in those individuals suffering from this condition. While hypothyroidism can occur in both men and women, it tends to affect women and that too women over the age of 35 years more than men.

In hypothyroidism, thyroid gland is known to produce insufficient amount of thyroid hormones required for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. As thyroid gland is responsible for mainly all the important metabolic functions of the body, hypothyroidism leads to the impairment of the body’s basic metabolic system and hence resulting in a host of debilitating and unhealthy conditions and symptoms of the body.

armour thyroid
While you can follow your own hypothyroidism  treatment by following strict dietary and exercise rules such as by limiting your fat and carbohydrate intake, avoiding non organic meat and fluorides and sticking to an alkaline and natural diet, still you need to take certain medications to help deal with the problem of hypothyroidism. Among the vast variety of thyroid supplements available today such as levothryoxine, synthroid, armour thyroid etc., it is always a good idea to go with a natural thyroid supplement such as Armour thyroid.

Following are a few concerns regarding armour thyroid and their answers:

What does armour thyroid help with?

Armour thyroid is a natural thyroid supplement derived from the desiccated pig’s hormone and is required to provide the necessary thyroid hormones T3 and T4 as they occur naturally in the body to make up for their loss or deficiency in case of hypothyroidism.

Can armour thyroid and birth control pills be taken together?

While you can take armour thyroid and birth control pills together without worrying about some serious toxicity, the use of the latter with the former may decrease the former’s effectivenress, so it is always advisable not to take birth control pills while taking armour thyroid or consult your doctor for his opinion.

How long does armour thyroid stay in your blood?

Armour thyroid stays in the blood stream for approximately seven days, which makes this drug an extremely powerful medicine to treat hypothyroidism.

thyroid dosage
Armour Thyroid Supplement
Armour Thyroid Side Effects

Being a natural thyroid supplement, side effects of armour thyroid are very few and rare, however, if you feel or experience some armour thyroid side effects, it is always advisable to stop the medication for some time and consult your doctor before taking this medicine again.

Average dosage of Armour Thyroid

One grain (equivalent to 60mg) or higher dosages are potent and usually require temperature monitoring and occasional blood tests. However average dosage to treat aging thyroid condition could be half grain of whole thyroid equivalent to 15 mg to 30 mg of thyroid supplement can be taken.